Archive for iulie, 2020

Take it or leave it

Sometimes you get answers such:take it or leave it..but this happens only when you already know the future.The reading bellow was for a lady who is single for a very long time. I find her situation interesting because she is not dating any man, she is not member to any dating site, she is not flirting with anybody.

Still she has asked:”Will I get a boyfriend in the next 2 months?”

Using Zigeuner Wahrsage-Karten (Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards )


The pillar of spread is Lover-Love-Ecclesiastic which is a relationship that is meant to be.The spread opens with the Lover card which predicts a man will come in her life.Nice or maybe not as Thief-Love-Jealousy following show a very complicated relation.In love something is hidden.This combo can show a hidden relationship exists between a married person and a single person (or differences in age, status, etc) or simply the discontent of one of the partners or jealousy and possessiveness.will bring complications with this man.

At 1st sight most of the readers would say he is a cheater based on the cards in the middle. Still if you analyze all cards, it may not be the case of cheating but it can be a lover who is a very controlling man. Ecclesiastic at the end, makes me thing at the relationship where there are rules and partners play by the rules.I don’t eliminate the possibility that the cards to predict the presence of 2 men.

If you pay attention to the cards,there is no other female card that would make you thinking at a female rival but maybe the man will have another rival. The woman from Jealousy card is caught between 2 men:one who loves/likes her (Love card at the left is touching a man who gazes to the lovers) and one man who might have influence over the querent (Ecclesiastic at the right) and she plays by rules.Though there are few trouble cards here, there is no card to show hurt feelings or tears.It will be interesting how this reading turns on.

Etta: I decided to do a GT for our lady (picture below). As I don’t want to interpret the whole tableau, I will mention only the info in connection with the reading.Is any man coming in her life?
So what I notice in the big tableau:

  • there is a man in her environment who likes her or has some feelings for her (Widower +Sweetheart above Love- Journey-Constancy, our lady is not aware about this man as Constancy behind her and sees him just a friend (Fidelity).
  • Ecclesiastic-Lover-Death predict the return of a man from her past, someone who has influence over the querent and this will happen quit unexpectedly (Unexpected Joy).Probably it will be on a Sunday they enter in contact. I cant say the lady will be very happy about this. Between the Sweetheart and Lover there is Anger card,obviously the querent will have a defensive attitude regarding to him.
  • Thief – Malady above the Sweetheart gives me an unsettle feeling. Usually I see this pair close to the significator to show a hidden disease (asymptomatic possible) or our lady doesn’t feel well (Malady) but she prefers to not talk about this (Thief).

hello gypsy lovers,

It’s been a long time since I haven’t written on my blog.

So I had faced some bad luck in the last 2 months and with the help of cards I figured out what was the cause. To fix it, I took advantage of my knowledge of magic and performed some spells. As magic runs slowly, I don’t expect miracles overnight. But I do expect the cards to tell me about the results I can get.

My question for the cards was: Will my luck return to me?

I drew the cards randomly


Hope – Fortune-Money-Merriment-Ecclesiastic

The Fortune card popped in my spread and it is really in tune with my question.

Hope at the beginning of the spread shows things will run slowly in the future but for sure. Gipsy cards contain few cards which may show past, present or future. This is a clue about the dynamic of the reading. Hope is a card of protection: “clearing up” especially when positive cards follow. As magic was a part of my fixing things, it shows clearing up old messes. Hope is associated with the Virgin Mary and with the Hail Mary as a prayer. IMPORTANT: this is the card’s meaning when it closes something. If Hope is followed by a card that negates it, it is very unlikely to be able to protect anybody. Hope comes in handy when we are trying to describe a future event. Being followed by Fortune that was the subject of my reading shows that what I wished for, I will get it back. Fortune with Money can be interpreted as prosperity. I don’t play at Lotto so a lot of money to fall in my lap but being affected financially, it shows getting my prosperity back. Merriment belongs to the sequence Fortune-Money-Merriment which shows prosperity that will make my life easy again. Ecclesiastic ends the reading. This card has mysterious meanings because it’s the God card, a priest, and has religious connotations. Merriment with Ecclesiastic can show a religious ceremony. I don’t practice dark arts so, seeing the Ecclesiastic in my spread, it makes sense for me. My fortune will return to me with God’s help and I will be protected so what affected me to not come back to me.

I hope you enjoyed this reading and find it educational.

Thank you